As I’ve said before, public health nannies will never stop voluntarily. They will never look around and say “Y’know what? I think we’re done here, we’ve written enough laws.” That’s never going to happen.
The war on fat gave us high-sugar foods, and the health nannies have transitioned seamlessly into the ‘War on Sugar’, as if they didn’t help to create the modern high-sugar diet in the first place!
Fairfax Media are predictably in breathless support of more micro-management of our lives and more hectoring of the ignorant masses.
Lobbyists for ‘big food’ are potentially swaying health policies in favour of their corporate bottom line in Australia, new research has claimed.
A Deakin University study published Monday has reported finding “direct evidence” of food industry political tactics that had the potential to shape public health-related policies, at the expense of public health.
No wonder they’re going out of print. You don’t even need to read it to know what it’s going to say.
Well Terry Barnes at the Spectator absolutely unleashes on food nannies:
The public health Pooh-Bahs’ arrogance is laughable. If an industry and its products are legal, it has every right to make whatever political investments it chooses, provided they comply with electoral and disclosure laws. That includes all the so-called evil Bigs – even the daddy of them all, Big Tobacco. The Pooh-Bahs should put that in their pipes and smoke it…
…Tripe like this would be laughable except for one thing. It reflects a highly successful tactic of the public health lobby, and the Left generally, to hamstring their opponents by flinging mud and making McCarthyist allegations as a substitute for respectful debate.
Read the article at the link above. I think Terry’s had enough!
And we should all take a leaf out of his book. Here’s my take on the food nannies and the coming sugar war:
This will not stop until we shout them down and tell them to go get a real job. You can help make that happen by sharing Terry’s post, and my video, and letting it be known that we’re not going to be brow-beaten by busy-bodies any more.
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