The promised salvation from vaccines is turning to dust right before our eyes, what now?
We were assured from as early as March 2020 that natural herd immunity was NOT an exit strategy from the Covid 19 pandemic… we were promised vaccines instead!
Now I’ve been very skeptical of BOTH claims since the start.
Why is natural immunity somehow not the answer to this virus, when it’s been the answer (in fact the ONLY answer) to every other coronavirus and the vast majority of respiratory illnesses in history?
And why are we betting our future on a long-odds gamble, rolling the dice on somehow magically creating safe and effective coronavirus vaccines, something we’ve never done before despite many valiant efforts, and somehow do so in a fraction of the time it’s taken for every other vaccine in existence?
Neither of those make sense… but for a little while it looked as though I was wrong, and the remarkable researchers working on a Coronavirus vaccine had done the impossible, not just once, but at least four times!
To be clear, I’d love for this to have been true! I would love for this new mRNA vaccine technology to have been a magic bullet to defeat this, and hopefully many more, viruses and diseases in coming years. But sadly my skepticism is looking increasingly well founded.
I’m not going to go into issues and statistics around adverse reactions as that’s a sure-fire way to get yourself pulled off the internet! What I want to discuss is the effectiveness of the vaccines… whether they’re actually achieving what was promised and what is needed if our much-vaunted ‘vaccine solution’ is going to materialise in reality.
A few case studies:
Firstly Israel, a country thought to have put the Coronavirus completely behind it thanks to a near 80% vaccination rate among the adult population. They had achieved what we all were supposedly dreaming of and waiting for… herd immunity via vaccination.
Now? Restrictions are back in place, full lockdowns being discussed, and case numbers are ballooning again to be among the highest new cases per capita in the world right now.
What happened? Well officially we’re being told that the Delta Variant happened… this new strain of the Coronavirus which is fractionally, marginally different in its genetics has dramatically slashed the effectiveness of the vaccine… I would venture to say to an unusual degree.
Most traditional vaccines (whether of the ‘live attenuated’ variety, the ‘killed’ variety, or one of the other existing and long understood vaccine technologies) tend to provide a meaningful level of cross-immunity, or somewhat broad immunity to the type of illness being immunised against.
Last years flu shot may not be ideal against this years flu, but it’s still likely to make a decent amount of difference.
By some reports, these mRNA vaccines are as much as 30% less effective, down to 64% from a claimed 94%. This might not sound like much, but flip the equation on its head to understand the impact of that… instead of just 6% of people having ‘breakthrough’ infections, now 36% or 7x more people are suffering breakthrough infections.
And there’s reason to be skeptical that the vaccines are even THIS effective.
90% of new Covid cases in Israel are among the FULLY VACCINATED over 50s… in a country where the adult vaccination rate is LESS than 80%, this raises some very serious questions as a simple reading of that data might even suggest the vaccinated are MORE vulnerable! Now to be clear I wouldn’t go that far, I’d suggest there may be a sampling issue where the unvaccinated are far less likely to be getting regularly tested, and are therefore less likely to show up in the data, where those who are fully vaccinated are more likely to be going along with requests to be tested regularly or at the first sign of symptoms.
Nevertheless, 90% of detected cases are now ‘breakthrough’ cases… that’s not a ‘breakthrough’ anymore, the barrier that’s being ‘broken through’ may as well not exist at that point.
And Israel is not unique in this situation.
Gibraltar with its near 100% adult vaccination rate should be a perfect and idyllic place to be, free of covid and certainly free of widespread community transmission… but it’s not so. To be clear the numbers are small, just 229 cases in recent months, but adjust for the size of their population and that’s the equivalent of well over 150,000 cases in Australia.
Does anyone think our governments, state OR federal, would allow even 1,000, let alone 10,000, much less ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND cases to be detected here and NOT plunge us back into full lock downs, total isolation from the world, and more heartache and destruction for the people?
Victoria locks down for just 5 cases of ‘unknown origin’, but Gibraltar tells us clearly that even with a 99% adult vaccination rate we should still expect tens of thousands of cases, or more.
There are many more examples from around the world, with even fully vaccinated people in the UK and US still being required to take PCR tests to be allowed to do certain things including attend large events or travel (rules vary of course, I’m generalising) and so we can clearly see that 70% vaccination rates, 80% vaccination rates, even a 99%+ vaccination rate will STILL mean MORE Covid cases than Australia has now… in fact more than we’ve EVER had.
That’s right, based on the data we can see coming in from all over the world, even if every single Australian was fully vaccinated (something that would only be achieved by a level of coercion and force as yet unseen anywhere in the world) we would still expect tens of thousands or over one hundred thousand cases to be around at any given point in time.
Ie, we would NEVER leave lockdown, even if we’re all fully vaccinated.
So where does that leave us?
It’s fairly clear that the vaccines help… although their usefulness over the long term against variants of the virus is VERY unclear to say the least, but it’s also 100% clear that the vaccines will NOT get us to covid zero, or even close!
Our politicians have backed themselves into a corner… they carry on as if a single death of a 90 year old in palliative care is somehow a tragedy of such magnitude that it makes the sacrifices of 25,000,000 Australian’s losing time, money, memories, and life itself, somehow worthwhile.
How do they now walk that back? Is there a politically viable path out of this madness? When we reach their magic 80% vaccination rate, will they change the goal posts and accept infections and deaths? Or will they maintain their rhetoric and just keep shifting the goal posts the OTHER way, ‘more boosters’, ‘80% isn’t enough, we need 90%’, ‘90% isn’t enough, we need 95%!’
I can’t see an exit. At least not one which avoids a politically suicidal admission that they got it catastrophically wrong from the very beginning.
We’re on the highway to hell, to year after year of lockdowns, uncertainty, and suffering, and I just can’t see an exit, at least not one which any of our current politicians is ever going to be willing to take.
Help me out here, am I missing something? What’s the politically viable exit strategy out of this mess?
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How exactly do they test for delta or any other variant using the same test designed for covid19?
Does anyone know what happened to covid over summer? Did the deadliest virus in history take a summer vacation?
They don’t have different tests. I heard someone ask a lady at a testing place if they could distinguish between the strains and she had to say no.
There is no politically viable short or medium term exit strategy out of this mess. 90% of Australian politicians have bought into this madness and supported the damaging policies that come out of a fear based response. Some will be locked into that fear for many years to come and the remainder who may be starting to realize that they have gone too far will NEVER admit they were wrong because the devastation on so many levels has been so profound. They will go to their graves saying that they made the right choices and will delude themselves to avoid having to face harsh truths about their actions. The only way out is a complete turnover of 90% of Australia’s politicians in all state parliaments and the federal parliament. We must now look to historical statistics to see how long this could take. What is the average length of service of member of the house or reps? What about the Senate? What about state parliaments? Hopefully none of them last as long as the late Billy Hughes who served for over 50 years!
Thanks for this. You have presented information here which is very vaulable, and which has been heavily suppressed. What I would like to see is more precise data regarding the ratio of unvaccinated to vaccinated in various countries mapped against the daily Delta cases so we can see clearly what the relationship is between vaccination and getting sick.
We are being constantly assured that the vaccine reduces both the risk of infection and the severity of illness in the vaccinated.
I saw a podcast from Bret Weinstein recently where he was saying that the reality is that the severity of illness is only reduced in people over age 65. According to Bret, f you are under 65 and vaccinated, the average severity of illness among the vaxxed is no different to the vaxxed.
It would be great to be able to see the data underlying both your and Bret’s analysis.
The exit is not only eluding the political world but also the medical, the latter being a bigger fix because of the inherent contradiction. This is going to bring upside down the whole rational world as we know of. Wait and see further how failing to admit, the ultimate cowardice, will prove fatal to the planet already showing it’s fury.
Covid19 is here to stay.
Why are we not having a free and frank debate, from Doctors, Ambos, nurses health care workers about what they are witnessing and believing.
Why are we not considering Ivermectin and other drugs in the fight against this virus.
Professional suicide Rob. Potentially providing healthcare advice causing harm could lead to prosecution. That could mean going against public health advice no matter how ill conceived that advice may be. The professional gagging is a real thing. Besides that, without concrete research we’re at a loss. We’re in a no-mans-land of information. Anything developed right now has not had time to show impact. Most evidence is heterogeneous and anecdotal at best. Reliable research could be ten years away.
Have to disagree. Peer reviewed papers all over the world proving effectiveness on top of the known safety of Ivermectin. Doctors have used it to save thousands upon thousand of patients. Now look for the peer reviewed papers on any of the vaxes and I double dare you to find any with comparative safety data to IVM or for that matter HCQ. We are supposedly in the worst pandemic mankind has ever experienced and despite the warnings from many experts in their fields the powers that be still went ahead with a vaccination program while ignoring the search for and the adoption of safe drug protocols for early treatment and prophylactic application. This is tantamount to deliberate murder. Any and all measures of therapy should have been embraced but money is doing all the talking and fear mongering here and now and for the past 18 months of this plandemic…
Not one government on this earth has one 100% purified isolated sample of Covid 19, just dwell on that for second, now consider this why are all other respiratory illnesses prior to Covid 19 that have a vaccine carry attenuated virus but for some unknown reason all the covid 19 vaccines i.e Pfizer, AstraZ, J&J and Moderna don’t carry attenuated virus but they are all experimental gene therapy immune boosters? Usually a lot of testing is done before a vaccine is given to the community to see for possible adverse reactions, but not the Covid 19 vaccines we are the test subjects and its unfortunate if a few of us die along the way… A recent FOI from the UK has found in the 10 yrs prior to Covid 19, now in the UK they have the Yellow card system where people can report adverse reactions to vaccines, something Australia doesn’t have, so for those 10 years prior to Covid 19 in the UK the records show 60,137 adverse reactions and 284 deaths, Covid 19 vaccines on the hand have blown this out window, since the roll-out of the Covid 19 vaccines, Pfizer adverse reactions 236,555 and 450 deaths, AstraZ adverse reactions, a massive 775,940 and 960 deaths, Moderna which only started on June 2021 adverse reactions 22,191 and 6 deaths plus an unspecified vaccine adverse reactions 2690 and 24 deaths bringing the total recorded adverse reactions as of the 30/6/21 to 1,037,376 and total deaths to 1440, its now the 18/8/21 no doubt number has greatly increased and with our governments pushing for a 2nd and 3rd booster no doubt there will be a 4th, 5th and 6th down the road so who knows how many thousands if not tens of thousands will perish and/or be permanently injured by the so-called vaccines, they tell us its for the “greater good” no…. it’s just plain genocide…
Given that our own medical researchers demonstrated the efficacy of Ivermectin early last year but then politicians went out of their way to ban it (among other things) and jail anyone who administers it, and assuming that any sane and rational response would be to use everything at our disposal, the clearly obvious conclusion is that this was never about a virus … at all. I could dwell on a ton of other evidence but, honestly, if that simple fact does not raise your suspicion then not even a jack boot up your arse will.
First turn the low death rate noise up to full blast. That would require the media being collectively kicked in the back end.
Next, rule out lock downs for anything under 10 thousand cases within a week. That will allow a real measure of other measures we should be taking in general as a society. E.g. washing our hands.
Next, back away from case numbers. Instead focus on doubly confirmed cases in ICU for more than 3 days requiring ventilator support between 50 and 70 years of age. That will provide a number of real concern as most people in this age bracket could be susceptible to the disease and likely succumb. This age bracket should be the most supported for vaccination.
Test every person for genetic predisposition who have required hospitalization for longer than 3 days. In people under 50, this could guide GPs to offer vaccination to the people most at risk in society.
Next, ensure that every person has had a negative covid test prior to coming to Australia. That’s really our only viable defence. Once it’s here, it’s too late. Test again on arrival and ensure effective quarantine prior to release into the community. This will prevent the occasional covid top up we’ve been subjected to by lax international border control.
Then, ensure most regional centres have viable covid/infectious disease wards. Demountables with negative pressure rooms and adequate decontamination ante areas. Wards that have a minimal of furniture and fixtures that can be deep cleaned rapidly on discharge. The workforce to care for these wards completely separate from main hospital staff at all times. This sets up future proofing pandemics and ensuring our hospitals don’t fall like Italy’s did. There’s no excuse for not carrying out such plans and folly causing death to fail. We had swine flu and avian influenza to prepare and we didn’t.
Ongoing improvement to town planning around regulating population density and facilities that must be available to support high density population e.g. adequate hand washing facilities and refuse disposal. We’re running into the same problems they had in medieval Europe with the lack of services due to the almighty dollar. Look where it leads!
A very good summation of where we are at. Curious though if you are sceptical about natural herd immunity then how do you explain Sweden, Vietnam, Taiwan. Also Topher are you aware that a doctor in Australia will be fined $20,000 for ordering a serumology antibody test for Covid. Also would like to know if you have knowledge of a paper prepared by a Dr. David E Martin on the patent history of corona viruses. A quote from this paper should be of great concern to all. September 2019. The document ‘A World at Risk’ written by Global Preparedness Monitoring Board** (an arm of the WHO) is used as a live scenario in October 2019, which was put together by the World Health Organization, which stated that “We need a co ordinated global experience of an accidental of intentional respiratory pathogen release which must be completed by September 2020 to put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control and the acceptance of a universal vaccine mandate”
Now from this statement, think back to March15, 2020 and what Scot Morrison said to the Australian public, echoeing the attitude of most western leaders at that time and how within a month the whole narrative changed and almost immediately all, including our Danny boy, were saying that the only way out of this pandemic was universal vaccination……Think on this one and all….