If you’ve followed my work on the Murray Darling Basin then you may already know who Professor Gell is, and if you don’t, then DEFINITELY tune in. Prof Gell is an *actual* scientist (y’know, the kind that deals in the REAL world and not just in models…? I know, weird right?) and has a long and growing history of standing up for what the data says, in the face of political and peer pressure to the contrary.
Scientists with integrity are becoming rarer, and Prof Gell is one of a handful of unsung heroes when it comes to Australian Environmental Science and the intensifying battle between the ‘environmental’ movement, and actual conservation.
This Slow Chat will be an absolute treat as Prof Gell and Topher discuss the science of the Murray Darling Basin and especially the Lower Lakes and Coorong, and of course along the way they will shoot the breeze, chase rabbits down every rabbit hole, and have a heap of fun while they’re at it.