EDIT: I’ll be making a correction to this blog post in another day or so when I can. I relied on information released onto Social Media by NSW Health. It turns out that these releases were written ambiguously and the actual source reports say something quite different to what their social media posts implied.
So the picture is quite different to what I thought, because I trusted the data provided on their social media posts rather than going back to the actual reports myself… lesson learned.
It’s still not a pretty picture for the vaccine at all, and certainly ugly for those insisting a 3rd dose is the answer, but at the same time it’s certainly not as clear cut as I believed based on their public posts.
As always I don’t delete my mistakes, I acknowledge them and learn from them and leave them for all to see. I’m making this quick edit while I have a moment, and will find time to correct the Blog Post and re-analyse the source data hopefully tomorrow.
I apologise for the error, but standby for the update tomorrow because the actual source data still tells an ugly story, just not quite the same story that NSW Health’s social media posts told.
Original post follows (note, what follows is not correct, it was based on the data provided in social media posts by NSW Health which is NOT consistent with the data provided by NSW Health in their reports. You’d think they’d be able to get that right, but sadly they didn’t. A full re-analysis will follow in coming days.)
The Elephant in the room is just getting bigger and I’d say we’ve reached the point where it’s impossible to hide anymore.
As proof, please see the evidence from NSW Health themselves!
Every week NSW Health release an update on respiratory illness, with a breakdown of the number of Covid deaths and (helpfully) their vaccination status. The data is damning.
Have a look at last weeks report, screen captured by me just now from their FB page. The critical paragraph is in the middle:

142 deaths, ‘only’ 96 of those had been triple jabbed, ALL the others were ‘eligible for a third dose’.
Eligible for a third? Well if words actually mean anything then that must mean they’ve already had their first AND second… correct? There’s really no other way of interpreting that, and that interpretation is confirmed in earlier weekly updates, as we’ll see soon.
Let’s pause to ensure we understand what’s just been admitted here… every single Covid death in NSW that week was someone who had had at LEAST two Covid vaccinations… and not a single unvaccinated person was among them.
Let’s now consider what the actual vaccination rate is in NSW, again according to NSW Health:

Look at the top-middle and top-right panes… 95% 2 dose rate, 69% 3 dose rate. That leaves 5% of the adult population ‘unprotected’ and surely we’d see them showing up disproportionately in the fatalities… right?
If 142 people died of Covid, we’d expect 7 of them to be unvaxxed just on the basic statistics, and if being jabbed actually offered any protection you’d expect the unvaxxed to make up a FAR HIGHER proportion of the fatalities…
Instead they represent a big, fat, zero. Nada. Nyet. Zero. Zilch.
(There is an attempt among the jab lovers to claim that the unvaxxed few are more likely to be younger, leading to them not showing up in the data as often, hence ‘nothing to see here’. I’ll squash that stupid argument at the end of this blog post after all the data)
Oh, and while we’re here, can I just point out that the triple vaxxed are dying almost exactly in proportion to their existence… ie there is no statistical evidence that the 3rd jab has reduced their chances of dying below being double jabbed…
And this is no isolated, cherry picked bit of data. Let’s look at the week before:

95 deaths, all at least double jabbed, 65% triple jabbed (in a population with a ~68% triple jabbed rate)… VERY close to exactly what you’d expect if the vaccine did literally NOTHING…
Except that once again we SHOULD see at least 4-5 unvaxxed deaths… just on population alone… but we see none.
The week before?

This one is interesting, because it confirms my suspicion that ‘eligible for a third dose’ means they HAVE had 2 doses… because we see that of the 116 deaths, one of them was NOT eligible for a third dose. They may have been unjabbed, they may have been single-dosed, but they were not ‘eligible for a third dose’.
So in the last 3 weeks we’ve seen 353 fatalities from Covid, and one… ONE… ONE SINGLE SOLITARY PERSON was unjabbed or single jabbed. 352 of them were double or triple.
By now on population alone we should have seen ~17 unjabbed deaths… MORE if the vaccine actually works. We’ve seen ONE.
Notice again in this week’s data, 67% triple jabbed, basically exactly what you’d expect if the third Jab did absolutely NOTHING…
And we’re not done. Let’s look at the weeks before that:

104 deaths, all double jabbed, 69% triple… again, where are the 5+ unjabbed deaths?

77 dead, all double, 73% triple, ABOVE the rate you would expect even if the third jab did nothing.

80 dead, all double, 61% triple.

86 dead, all double, 63% triple.
Getting the picture yet?
But wait, there’s more…

Finally 8 weeks ago NSW had only their 2nd death of someone who was NOT eligible for a 3rd dose… ie either unjabbed or single jabbed.
Let’s take stock, because I can’t help but feel that we’re staring a bloody big elephant right in the eye, and it’s time to start talking about it!
- NSW Deaths in 8 weeks: 798
- Triple jabbed: 530 (66.4%, general population ~69%)
- Double jabbed: 266
- Single / Unjabbed: 2 (0.25%, general population ~4.7%)
Single / Unjabbed deaths are under-represented by a factor of 20.
In this context, this post from NSW Health is borderline criminal negligence:

The saving grace here is that over 5,000 of the 11,000 reactions are ‘laugh’ emojis from people who aren’t buying what they’re selling.
Now let me deal with the most common retort that I hear from the jab lovers, that the triple jabbed are more likely to be the oldest and most vulnerable demographic, and the unjabbed likely to be the youngest / lowest risk, and therefore it’s entirely expected that the unjabbed would be under-represented, as they’re at the lowest natural risk in the first place.
It’s not an unreasonable argument, but even if we make the most charitable possible interpretations of the above data there is still a big-assed elephant that needs to be discussed.
Observe, in the data above you’ll see that 48 people under the age of 65 died in that dataset. If we assume that both of the unjabbed deaths were in this cohort, this means that barely 4% of the deaths in this cohort were unjabbed, when this cohort has ALL the unjabbed people in it… the unjabbed rate in this cohort must be well above the overall ~5% average because in the over 65 segment the rate is near 0%… if it isn’t then their argument doesn’t work…
So even trying to be charitable and giving their argument every possible advantage, the data shows us clearly that the cohort that is LEAST likely to die of covid… is the unvaxxed. The triple vaxxed are WAY more vulnerable than the unvaxxed, and ever so slightly less vulnerable than the double vaxxed.
The evidence is stacking up fast in the form of body bags. We’ve spend two and a half years being berated with the ‘if it saves just one life’ argument… now the shoe is on the other foot and the dramatic over-representation of the jabbed in the fatalities is a fact that demands an explanation.
This is a LONG way from being over. As I posted on my FB page the other day Covid Fatalities in our high-jab-rate country are easily outstripping the fatalities in other countries.

Now there’s two points that need to be made, firstly New Zealand and Australia are both in winter, but let’s get real here, summer in many places is no warmer than winter in most of Australia, so that’s only a partial explanation. Secondly the OVERALL Covid fatality rate for the last few years is still very low in Australia and New Zealand… but the longer this goes on the more that gap is going to narrow.
And with Covid deaths disproportionately happening among the double / triple jabbed, AND the all-cause mortality rate running ~20% above the 5 year 2014-2019 baseline, we’re a long LONG way from being out of the woods.
When we are finally able to tally up the death toll (and other costs) of our Covid over-reaction I don’t think we’re going to wind up looking as amazing as we think we are.
The final cost of our naive trust in politicians and pharmaceutical companies with perverse incentives and compromised ethics is still unknown. But it’s growing fast and we need to start talking about it.
After all, it might just save one life…
Dear Sir, This is the most efficient and “damn awesome” takedown of the (local, at least) criminal government entities that I’ve seen. HARD DATA, statistical facts – THEIR OWN. Simple. Thanks for bothering to “do the math” and do the research.
brilliant as usual, Toph …
Thank you Topher, for so poignantly and precisely pinpointing crucial facts and stats that may very well wake some jab lovers up! Like you said- it may save one life! Let’s hope a whole lot more!! I’m still astonished how many people are getting their fourth dose and masking up again! It’s now time the Australian public take responsibility and stop doing what they are told!!
You’re a champion!
‘Love ya work,
I think your analysis ignore 10 out of 142 deaths. Presumably these were unvaxed. Roughly proportional. I conclude vaccines useless but not necessarily harmful.
Keep up the good fight Topher we need more like you.
I’m not quite sure what you mean. Where have I missed 10 out of the 142 deaths?
Thanks for the support, if I’ve made a mistake I’d like to know about it so please point it out specifically.
94 triple jabbed, 46 eligible for third jab = 140. We are 2 short, not 10
See my reply to your email, it’s actually 96 triple jabbed, the 94 is a reference to the previous weeks figures. Thanks though!
I assume you’re allowing those deaths to be actually attributed to SARS2 and not other causes, but happen to test +’ve. As at least one of the releases did mention that Hospital admissions included those with other causes. Which effectively means they can’t even fabricate convincing stats!
Yes I decided not to address that in this article, as just the raw data as presented is devastating to their own arguments.
But you’re absolutely correct, we don’t know how many of these deaths were actually caused by Covid at all.
Thank you, that is quite a good analysis. I appreciate you addressing the likely arguments from both sides. Its been interesting in Western Australia, which played the Covid Zero game almost as long as New Zealand and boast the highest vaccination rate in the country. When covid initially started to take off and we had the first wave we were told that we had a ‘soft landing’ in comparaison to other states and the rest of the world. Now that cases have taken off again after several initial waves, the excuse for rapidly rising hospitalisations and deaths is that an older cohort is being infected. So in reality there was not ‘soft landing’ due to vaccinations, only an initial low hospitalisation and death rate as the first waves mostly affected those under 60. Following infection rates, Western Australia has maintained one of the highest per capita for months now.
Facts and Data sets. How is it that our trusted health bureaucrats are not seeing or interpreting this data the way other scientific minds are? The very concerning factor here is that not only are those giving the health advice appear to be so under researched but the sheople that are having this stuff pumped into their bodies are obviously not bothering, en masse, to do their own research and are blindly allowing themselves to be led like lambs to the slaughter. If this data proves the ineffectiveness of this rubbish which is now not even proving itself to be an effective therapeutic, then what other surprises and health outcomes are in store for the injected further on down the track. Did someone mention thalidomide (KFC}
Great article! At 69 and unjabbed I had a milder Case of Omicron than my niece who got pneumonia and was triple jabbed. Also not sure if this is representative but my partners insomnia has disappeared after getting it. And a friend in Adelaide who was always getting migraines they have disappeared. My digestion has improved and have heard it from another friend. All unjabbed of course. Could it be another virus like ‘measles’ that had a reputation of doing that even Doctors used to talk about it. Before the measles vaccine of course😏
I am in my 70s
I know 3 others in their 70s in my personal circle of friends all not jabbed.
None of us have had Covid that we are aware of.
Interestingly 3 of us were really ill in November 2019 and the other January 2020.
Covid symptoms
According to government statistics we are jabbed because the statistics say 100% in our age group.
Bull dust.
How about putting up the correct vaccination rates somewhere.
Topper, some time ago, I listened to an audio from a young Woman, who bb used to work for one of the distribution Companies for the jab of death! She was fired because she would not partake of their wonderful product! She has a Sister, who being a Nursing Sister, was made like so many, to have the jab, she had been very unwell ever since! In order to try and investigate on certain aspects of the jab, shevdecided to see if she could still access the Companies files with her password, she could, so she could only get so far, but what she found interesting, was it was stated that at least 60% who think they were vaxed, may indeed only have had Saline! So if only 40% have had the real deal, how does this figure stack up then for the amount of adverse reactions, deaths, plus the numbers dying from Covid because their immune systems are destroyed! She also said, that the Boosters are different, the percentage of the real dose is much higher, so everyone should warn People NOT to get the Boosters, after all Warnie did send us a warning! So if that figure of 60% is right, and so many have now had Covid, they should have natural immunity, plus many may not have had this lethal jab, and there are so many who are so angry, because they were made to have it, half way through there Uni course etc, having tovwork to put food on the table, etc! I personally have known of three jab related deaths, the last one a friend, 62, died in his sleep, no autopsy, just a scan, said itbwas his heart! But have you heard of Children dying mysteriously, not from the jab, but something else, I now know of three, one being my 12 year old Grandson, a wonderful boy, he died last June, 12 months, death unknown by the Coroner! All attempts by his Mum, a director of Nursing, plus Medics who tried to save him were in vain! Yes it has been gutrenching for the whole Family, but two other children similar, one girl in her sleep! Could it be from shedding, maybe with a slight defect in their body! There are so many aspect of this jab nightmare, that needs to be addressed HONESTLY, what about blood donations, do you have a choice, can you insist on blood from someone unvaxed, what about Organ donations, if the MRNA is in every cell of your body, how could you have an organ from a vaxed Person! It is time for all mandates to be dropped, then allow all health workers to get on with helping ALL people who are so unwell at the moment! My Husband has recently hadva positive result from a bowl screening, but the Hospitals are to busy and behind to do any follow up, this is worrying, when you know that his Mum, Brother and Sister all died from bowel cancer! Thankyou for all of your dedication to this grave injustice being perpetrated against every Australian, let’s hope and pray that justice will be dished out to all responsible for this genocide!
High Quality Analysis,
Very Understandable,
Highly Recommended to My Contacts !
Kerry Chant’s comment that “Two doses is [sic] not enough” appears to be missing the second half of the sentence, “… to kill you quickly enough.” Wasn’t the target depopulation date brought forward to 2025? We are seeing the same trends all over the western world where the uptake of this ticking time bomb has been highest. Of course, those of us conspiracy theory nutters who have been ringing the alarm as loudly as we could since about mid 2020 for anyone willing to listen (who were very few, very far between), when the mad rush for “vaccines” was already on, this was actually all expected, no surprises at all, not even slightly… making our frustration all the more palpable. The MSM-M (Main Stream Mononeuronal-Morons) have been lying to us about all manner of things for decades; why would that suddenly change? Does a leopard change its spots? Yet, far too many folks blindly believed those Marxist, globalist, sock-muppets. Regardless of whether those dingbats knew about it or not, the delusion is very deep and of profoundly sinister intent; it always has been.
Brilliant summation. Vax fanatics (95% of my mates) don’t want to admit they were duped and we pray they escape the statistics. So many with weird health matters that doctors refuse to attribute to their government funded drug addiction.
Hey Topher
Thanks for all your great work ..
I think they what NSW Health are doing is rolling in the unvaxxed with the double vaxxed in the ‘eligible for third dose category ‘..
That is , for those people, they may be looking at those who, by virtue of their age or other issues would have by now been able to receive three doses? So it may include both single, double vaxxed and unvaxxed ?
Although it would seem strange for them to do that if they are wanting to drive the point homeregarding the unvaxxed winding up in hospital or dead ..
Maybe you could see what NSW has to say about this particular category .. just to be sure?
Thanks heaps for this article!
But who then are considered ‘not eligible’ for a 3rd dose?
One possibility would be those who had not long had a second dose & don’t yet have enough time lapsed to be eligible for a third dose.
The elephant in the room is a failure to reference primary sources.
If you actually look at the surveillance report PDFs released by NSW Health, they state quite explicitly what the unvaccinated deaths are.
For the week ending 16th July 2022, the “no dose” aka unvaccinated deaths were 19. Not “a big, fat, zero. Nada. Nyet. Zero. Zilch.” but 19. Based on their own metric of expecting 7 unvaccinated deaths, the unvaccinated deaths were over represented by 2.7 times higher than it statistically should.
Same too with the week ending 9th July 2022. In that instance it’s 11 unvaccinated deaths, which is over-represented again by a factor of 2.2 to 2.75 times higher than it should, depending on if you pick 5 or 4 deaths.
Check out the weekly surveillance report PDFs if you want to verify the info yourself.
Morale of the story is if you’re going to use facts, make sure that they actually support your narrative, let you get embarrassed by them.
I’ll have a look tomorrow, but my first question is why do they express it the way they do in their media communications if that’s the case? That seems to be extremely poor communication as the posts shown quite clearly differentiate between those eligible for a 3rd jab and those who are not.
That might be the case but there are a number of older/sick people who cannot have any vaccine because they are tooo sick. They are included in the unvaxxed.
There is no hiding the fact that this is now a Pandemic of the vaccinated. This data is being used all over the world to illustrate that the Vax is not only useless at actually protecting anybody, it is in fact having the opposite effect. I would love to be so forgiving and magnanimous that I had some sympathy for those who wished me force vaccinated or locked in an internment camp, but I just don’t.
Hi Topher, can you please comment on the Victorian health stats which I saw reported last week as that a large percentage of covid deaths in the last six months in Victoria were unjabbed? (I think the article stated “most”of the deaths) I don’t know how they can say that when the NSW figures show the opposite.
I actually haven’t seen the data you’re referring to and as a general rule I place very little faith in the Victorian stats, and even less faith in the reporting of those stats, but if you do happen to find that data again please send me the link, I’d like to give it a thorough look-over.
Hi Topher, this is the article I read about the Vic stats. Very interested in your take on this. https://www.smh.com.au/national/who-are-the-victorians-dying-from-coronavirus-this-year-20220630-p5ay3m.html
Thanks Teresa
HI Teresa,
Can you confirm that the definition of Vaccinated has been changed to having 3 shots? I thought I’d heard that the Vic Gov were pushing for that, I don’t see much MSNews.
Topher, I admire the work you’ve done here, collating the stats and the facts. I’m more of a gut instinct guy. I suspect however that neither of us could convince the hardcore covid cultists of the mistake they have made.
The vaccine has hurt the compliant and the naive far worse than it’s hurt the skeptics. Ironic, that it has thinned the population in favour of the rebels.
Keep up the good work. My wife was one of the nurses fired for not submitting, so my family has paid a high price for our principles. The coercion was a huge red flag, but the primary reason was the lack of long-term safety data. We were not willing to be forced into an experiment. We’ve all had covid by now, so zero fear of the virus.
I’d like to mention that “not eligible for 3rd dose” could mean they recently had their 2nd, and not enough time had passed, i.e. you can’t get the 2nd, and then a week later get the 3rd etc.
Also, as someone with statistical experience, you need to use primary sources of data, make sure the dataset is large enough to be statistically significant, and based on the high correlation with age and co-morbidities, the data needs to be examined and interpreted by age cohort with and without co-morbidities. I recommend this site for beginners interested in learning about stats: http://www.mathsisfun.com/data
Regardless, these press releases are worth spending time on, and at the very least you’ve encouraged many to dig deeper. I find the UK also have good, publicly accessible datasets.
It seems that in the last 60 days, around 34% of the Australian population have tested positive. In the last 60 days! So much for being “effective”. I believe this will have the effect of removing the fear-factor and hopefully this will increase the resistance to further shots.
I have been collecting a few sound bites on the topic recently from various dissenting yet respected voices such as Bret Weinstein and Ivor Cummins. I believe all the following are true, but have yet to verify them myself from the raw data and/or research papers. I pass them on only because I think they are worth looking into:
1. Coronavirus animal models showed increased excess death later when the jabbed individuals were subsequently exposed to the virus.
2. TGA, gets 96% of its funding in fees from Pharma. For the CDC in the USA it’s about 75%.
3. 90% of Covid deaths occur in those >65 years *with* multiple medical co-morbidities.
4. The covid jab does nothing against Omicron BA.4 and BA.5, yet carries risk of adverse events.
5. Pfizer spends more money on advertising than they do on research.
6. Approximately a third of all new drugs are either withdrawn, or warrant safety announcements about new risks years after being widely available.
7. Global average case fatality rate of covid is similar to seasonal influenza. Fatalities are overwhelmingly in the aged; there is practically no risk to the young and working age people. Therefore, do the herd immunity benefits to the old outweigh the risks to the not-so-old? Given life expectancy of say 85, a fatal adverse event risks 5 life-years for an 80 year-old. For a 10 year-old, the potential loss is 75 life-years. Where is the risk-benefit analysis our health system used to mandate the jab? I have yet to find any. A FOI request perhaps?
Thanks for putting yourself out there. It gives many of us the courage to speak out.
Thank you! Fantastic explanation and evidence of what we all know to be happening. When will the blinkers fall off the eyes of those who remain convinced the jab is helping them. How much more will it take?
How come many real people without a medical or political degree can understand all this! The vaccinations, as reported in the Health statistics, appear not to be working as PROMISED.
So many double and boosted friends are experiencing adverse effects soon after vaccinations yet don’t associate their ‘injuries’ to the vaccine!
This octogenarian is not vaccinated; has had COVID-19 with minimal side effects; all without the promised PROTECTION and stipulated necessary by our political and medical leaders!
Somehow this logic doesn’t stack up!
Thanks Topher,
I guess Dr. Chant is not that intelligent – they are still publishing their stats when other states have ceased this practice (because the stats paint a different picture than the gov. narrative!!).
It would be interesting to know if the two unjabbed deaths were “with” or “from” Covid, and had/not had any comorbidities.
The ABC are claiming that 1 in 10 covid related deaths are in the unvaxxed. That’s a far cry from .25%. Could be the basis for a follow up article. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-21/covid-deaths-spike-in-nsw-new-data-shows/101257754?fbclid=IwAR1bQFGzBOBVvId_L2eP_r5cVbalOnUlpAHb2XnSNh7UPyzDSvpg6ByK_h4&mibextid=dYiCQB&fs=e&s=cl
Covid is now a cover up for all the vax injured people. Wake up folks there is no covid, never was. No proof there was. Tests do not work. It is all smoke and mirrors to make people be a part of a global conspiracy from the elite 1% who want to rule and own the world but with less people in it.
Thanks for the update, it proves what I’ve been saying to friends & family i.e. the 3rd jab is deadlier than COVID. Why? Because it’s mucking up peoples immune systems.
I’m shocked at the number of PCR tests each week. It’s time that people start paying for the tests, not medicare i.e. our tax dollars. At around $200 per test & 1,316,112(= $263,222,400) tests in 7 weeks, that’s a big addition to the already huge debt.