Greenpeace is about the learn a lesson in irony. As Anthony Hopkins’ character says in the movie ‘Fracture’,
Sometimes life gives us these little gifts…
And in the movie, those words soon come back to bite him.
Having read this article, Greenpeace must be feeling the sting of the schadenfreude currently being enjoyed by every company or person they’ve ever brought a frivolous lawsuit against, as the long arm of civil ‘lawfare’ comes around to give them a long overdue slapping.
To be clear, I don’t support the US RICO laws, but for as long as they exist, I’ll have to ask forgiveness for enjoying moments like this. Greens activists have a long history of lying, fabricating evidence, whipping up scare campaigns, and using the resulting ‘crisis’ to canvass for donations (to line their pockets). It’s nice to see that they’re finally being called out on it, using one of the pet lawfare tools, no less.
The absurd RICO laws are the ones which ‘environmental activists’ have tried to use against ‘Climate Change Deniers’ like me… and now the very same laws now being used against them. The boot is on the other foot, and it’s remarkable how well it fits!
There was a time when industry was celebrated. The building of a new dam, a new factory, a new rail line, a new power plant… all these events were cause for celebration, back when we understood just how much work is required to stave off starvation and poverty for mankind. But now, 150 years in to the most prosperous time in human history, we’ve forgotten what it takes to prosper. We’ve lost sight of just how real and terrible poverty and famine really are. We think we can demonize those who produce, and celebrate those who destroy, and that it will never come back to bite us.
At their worst, we see ‘environmental campaigners’ celebrating poverty, the pre-industrial age, a time before electricity or modern medicine… a time when life was short and brutal. But somehow this time has become idealised in the minds of some environmentalists to be a ‘golden age’ of peace and harmony. Oh what a shock they would suffer if they found themselves actually having to work as hard as mankind had to back then, and suffering the hunger, fear, cold, and sickness that used to be an accepted part of life.
So forgive me if I enjoy this story just a little more than I should, as I watch them being given a dose of their exact medicine. I wish such laws did not exist, but there’s no way they’ll be repealed unless they start to be used against the lawmakers own pet causes. More such lawsuits might be the fastest way to get lawmakers world wide to start repealing such oppressive legislation which is ripe for ‘lawfare’ abuse.
Now someone please pass the popcorn.
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