First they came for the Vegans…

Vegans and I don’t get on very well.

I’m an out-and-proud omnivore who has no issue with catching and killing my own dinner… literally. It’s not that I dislike vegans, it’s usually that they dislike me. Passionately.

But if I’m forced to choose between defending vegans, or being silent in the face of meddling bureaucrats, I’ll be right there at the picket line next to my salad-munching brethren defending their right to miss out on a lifetime of bacon flavoured pleasure… with a packet of beef jerky in my back pocket for ’emergencies’ of course. I wouldn’t expect the lunch provided to be very satisfying…

And tragically, I am being forced to defend the bad life choices of vegans thanks to the overreach of the Italian government, who want the power to imprison parents who don’t feed their kids an approved diet.

Now before you get all huffy about bad parents and how important a good diet is, lets not forget that public health nannies have a long history of being wrong… and as I posted back in Maynot following the health nannies advice is one of the best things you can do… for your health!

So don’t give me any BS about how we need the government to look after children. Just ask any child who has survived the horror show that is ‘state care’ for children how that worked out for them, and maybe you’ll understand that even ‘bad parents’ (by whose definition are they ‘bad’ I wonder?) are almost always better than being a ward of the state… and this is especially true for parents that are being defined as ‘bad’ based on their dietary choices. (as opposed to being violent, or sexually assaulting their kids, or other forms of abuse that do deserve to be taken much more seriously) If this is acceptable, then what can’t the government define as ‘bad parenting’?

And while we’re talking about bad parenting, consider that the government gets to spend 6+ hours per day, five days per week, for 12 years or more with every child in every western nation… and yet we have increasing obesity, declining academic standards, ongoing issues with delinquency, depression, substance abuse… you name it. If the government were really that great at raising kids, don’t you think we’d be seeing better results out of the government run education system? The government run mental health system? The government run ‘justice’ system?

The takeaway is this: Keep the government as far away from your kids as you can. And that means stopping them wherever they may strike at the basic rights of parents… and that means (shock horror) that I’m sitting here writing a blog in defense of vegans.

Sure, that’s in Italy, it’s probably never going to happen here… but you can bet your bottom dollar that sooner or later someone will try. Then we’ll all have to remember the immortal words of Martin Niemoller:

First they came for the vegans…

You get the idea.

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