Ahh the ‘Feral Crossbench’. Much maligned by the major parties, feared by the Greens, and mistrusted and misunderstood (perhaps deliberately) by the media.
In an otherwise bleak electoral outlook, few things would please me more than if this prediction of an increased crossbench came true.
Of course, it would make perfect sense if the government trying to ‘fix’ the crossbench only makes it worse… that’s what happens to everything the government tries to fix! Why should it be any different when it tries to fix itself?
And given that there’s not much else to hope for or care about in this election cycle, why shouldn’t I get just a little bit too excited about the crossbench side-show? I’ll be going to great pains to ensure that none of the major parties get my votes or my preferences this federal election cycle. If the major parties were businesses I would have stopped giving them my money long ago and switched to smaller alternatives, so I won’t be bullied into giving them my vote just because they’re the ‘big end of town’.
My official aim for this election is to ensure the senate cross bench is as big and ‘feral’ as possible. The ‘worse’ the crossbench (in the view of the major parties), the less legislation gets passed. And on the performance of the major parties for the last 10 years, the less legislation gets passed, the better.
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