“Corruption” – Topher and Rukshan Sketch 02

It’s funny Friday time!

Rukshan and I have spent more time in studio and have a few weeks worth of funny sketches already recorded for your viewing pleasure!

We’re still debating which day of the week is best to release them… would you rather see these come out at the start of the week (to ease the pain of monday-itis perhaps?) or at the end of the week to get you in the mood for the weekend?

Let me know in the comments! And please enjoy “Corruption”.

And don’t forget to book tickets to the in-cinema showings of Battleground Melbourne! Find the list of dates here: https://www.topherfield.net/battleground-melbourne-cinema-screening-tour/

Watch Battleground Melbourne for FREE here: www.battlegroundmelbourne.com
Become a financial supporter of Topher here: https://www.subscribestar.com/topherfield
Buy ‘Good People Break Bad Laws’ and Battleground Melbourne merch here: https://aussiebotstudio.com/battlegroundmelbourne

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

11 thoughts on ““Corruption” – Topher and Rukshan Sketch 02

  1. Hey Topher 🙂
    I’m thinking the end of the week might be good, some light humour after a week full of societal drama. If I’m outvoted and Monday wins, that’s okay too.

    You and Rukshan are bloody hilarious!

    God bless you both.

  2. Shame you can’t put these on TV. It’s been sadly lacking since Clarke & Dawe went off air, thankyou for bringing them back.
    Definitely “Friday Political Clarity Commentary”

  3. Keep up the satirical effort.
    Practice and more practice and you may get near Clarke & Dawe. (what a SAD loss of a great mind was John)
    Trying to get the masses to think is the bog problem – and you are doing your bit to do that.
    Well done

  4. Thanks fellas, God knows we need a laugh and it is all the more enjoyable when it is at the expense of Andrews the dictator.

  5. Hi Guys,
    Looking forward to more quick sketches – many a truth encompassed in jest. Keep up the good work and either Monday or Friday is OK for me.

  6. Friday is the best day I thinks we are now socialising with each other and your Skits could form the basis of robust, healthy and informed discussion which has lots of upside benefit.

  7. Love it. Humour can be a powerful weapon, the fools currently in charge deserve no better a response. Thank you both 🙏🏼 Any day works for me.

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