Among my UK friends the majority voted ‘Leave’ (as did the overall population), and they’re very happy they got what they wanted (as is the overall population). But that’s not what you’d believe if you’ve been reading the MSM’s reporting. You’d be thinking that #Regrexit is huge, that millions of people signed a petition for a re-vote, including many people who voted ‘leave’ the first time, and that there’s been a massive spike in people googling ‘What is the EU’. That last point is touted as proof positive that the ‘leave’ campaign only succeeded because stupid and uninformed people supported it.
Trouble is, none of the above is true!
A huge number of the signatures on the petition were fraudulent and a deliberate troll by 4Chan.
And that massive spike in Britons googling ‘What is the EU’ may have been less than 1,000 people… it was only big in statistical terms, not in the actual number! (And for all we know, those googlers might have voted ‘remain’… there’s no reason to believe they were ‘leave’ voters…)
So that’s point 1. The ‘Leave’ campaign won a majority of votes, a majority of people in the UK are happy about it, they weren’t ignorant about their vote, and they don’t regret it.
Point 2 is that it’s been anything but an economic disaster. Here’s the FTSE100, Dow Jones, and ASX 200.
Notice anything? They cared about #Brexit for about a week, then they remembered the life goes on, business goes on, and they got on with being markets and valuing companies. And they seem to agree that their respective companies are still worth about as much as they were before the vote. No disaster, no ‘wipe out’ of value, no paralysis.
Yes the pound took a pounding… pun entirely intended:
But that drop in the value of the pound is a great thing for the UK economy as it will work wonders for their export industry. And the world is lining up to do business with the soon-to-be-single UK! Don’t believe for a second the petulance of Barack Obama saying the UK are ‘at the back of the queue’ for trade agreements. 1, he’s gone soon anyway and I can’t imagine either Hillary or Trump being so childish in his place, and 2, the US needs the UK as a trading partner for the sake of its own economy. Shutting out tens of millions of wealthy consumers from your economy is dumb with a capital D, and the US will soon get in line for a trade agreement with the UK just as enthusiastically as many other countries already have.
Anyone with a brain (which rules out most journo’s, hence the hyperventilating) could see from a mile away that Brexit wouldn’t be *that* bad. Sure, markets hate uncertainty and were always going to react… but markets also spot opportunities quickly, and they were soon going to realise that it’s not all bad… in fact there’s a lot of economic good that can come out of Brexit!
And for anyone who is still thinking ‘but why?’ Here’s just one tiny example of exactly why the UK is better off out of the EU.
5,000 words discussing the sale of just a few vegetables. Multiply that madness out across all products, activities, and market sectors, and you’ll soon realise that the EU is strangling itself in bureaucracy and red tape, and like any economy wrapped in red tape it is doomed to struggle, and perhaps to fail, although only time will tell. Think the UK will struggle all on its own? I think the EU will struggle more, thanks to its own stupidity.
So personally I’m hoping for this:
The EU is an experiment that is failing, and failing due to problems that are inherent and cannot be fixed. The UK have been smart enough to get out while the getting is good. Let’s hope others follow suit.
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Good article Topher. I astounds me that the same people who opposed the TPPA because it impinges on national sovereignty then got up in arms about the Brexit outcome when a nation’s citizen reasserted their sovereignty. The MSM cannot understand from their collective worldview how anyone can reject bureaucratic, big government.