Thankyou for your patience during my unexplained radio-silence. I happily blame the arrival of my first child, Winston.
I’ve enjoyed a few weeks off from work and from blogging to support my wife and get to know my boy, although I must admit with #Brexit and a federal election during my absence, Winston could have picked better timing!
The good news is that mother and baby are both well, young Winston is already taking after his father… which is just a nice way of saying he does nothing but eat, sleep, and poop, and he’s been remarkably good so far at letting us sleep!
I plan to do some catch up blogging in the next week of all the things I’ve missed, and should be back into the blogging swing-of-things next week… and with some more exciting news!
I’m launching a new video series next week! It’s a 6 part series, it’s a lot of fun, they’re short, at least a little bit funny, and should be very shareable. So 2016 is shaping up to be a huge year for me… new website, new family member, new videos… it’s all happening.
So thanks again for your patience, keep an eye on my blog / FB / Twitter over the next few days as I fill in the gaps from the last few weeks, and as always please like, share, and comment to your hearts content!
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Congrats to you and your family, Toph. May little Win bring you much joy.